
Thursday, September 6, 2012

With only the blue light of the TV on…

I obviously have a thing for great pop songs with notable lyrics – I suppose it’s the writer in me that I always take notice of lyrics – particularly when unusual words are used or great imagery is utilized. So I suppose it would be no big surprise that I dig Elvis Costello, who once in an interview jokingly referred to himself as “rock and roll’s scrabble champion.”  His lyrics are unique, memorable, meaningful, funny, and clever.  As a songwriter, he’s really great. He’s written a ton of really tight pop songs. And his voice, while it’s been criticized rather often being called “limited and harsh”, in the opinion of this rather unimportant individual, it’s pretty great. It works well for his songs and is distinctive and I love it.

Elvis Costello has been a staple of my music collection for quite a few years now and I’ve even had the pleasure of seeing him live in 2008. The first song I had heard by him and truly took notice of was “Human Hands” off of the album, Imperial Bedroom. It’s a fantastic song with a cool piano part (Steve Nieve is a very talented pianist), great rhythm and amazing lyrics.  Starting with the crash of chords and drum fills before settling into a slightly reggae rhythm. The piano during the chorus is awesome. Some of my favorite lines are… well, the first line is pretty great: “I’ve been talking to the wall and it’s been answering me.” Paints a very specific image. And the chorus is also a lot of fun to sing along with because of the rhythm of the words with the music: “Whenever I put my foot in my mouth and you begin to doubt that it’s you that I’m dreaming about, do I have to draw you a diagram?” I also love the line “Tighter and tighter, I hold you tightly. You know I love you more than slightly.”

A couple other songs I’ve had moments of infatuation with are “Blue Chair” and “I Want You” from Blood and Chocolate, “Oliver’s Army” from Armed Forces, and “You’ll Never Be A Man” from Trust.

I love the chorus in “Blue Chair”... but my favorite part is the middle eight (though, I don't think that's what it’s called since it's actually 16 measures). I especially like the line "We can watch our troubles rise like smoke into the air and drift up to the ceiling". I also LOVE the ending. As for “I Want You”, that song does something to me. I disagree with some of the interpretations of the lyrics though... there are quite a few people who seem to think he's a psycho stalker who is going to kill the girl. I don't get that image at all... I think of it more of a guy who is devastated by his girl cheating on him. After finding out, he's obsessing over the situation... wanting to know every detail, even though it hurts him to know. But that's just me... The song itself though is awesome. I love the twang of the guitar after the intro. I love Elvis' passionate, slightly hoarse, sometimes sarcastic sounding vocals. The lyrics are pretty steamy too... though, it might have something to do with the fact that every other line is "I Want You"... but the line "did you call his name out as he held you down..." Very erotic. The whole song has a very steamy and erotic feel to me... My favorite part is (big surprise) the guitar solo.

“Oliver’s Army” is an upbeat melody with great piano flourishes and rather serious lyrics. My favorite part is during the last verse when he’s singing harmony with himself. I kind of have a thing for harmonies, specifically when the vocalist is harmonizing with themselves. And the line of the chorus, “And I would rather be anywhere else but here today” is a line that has run through my head in a number of different situations throughout my life! “You’ll Never Be A Man” I adore for the lovely countermelody in the piano (Steve really shines in this song), the harmonies, and the clever lyrics and rhymes in the chorus.

Anyhow, I suppose that’s enough for the time being, but you will undoubtedly be hearing more about Elvis Costello in the future.


  1. Elvis Costello is a name I always heard, but I never really made a point to listen to his music. Maybe I'll give him a try

  2. God, I haven't listened to Elvis Costello in a while now. But Imperial Bedroom, Trust and Blood & Chocolate will always be among my favorite albums.

    And Armed Forces! Oh, and My Aim is True! Really, all of his albums kick ass.

  3. Back in '78 I was the only one in my group who was an E. C. fan and I was beyond excited about going to see Elvis and the Attractions at Hollywood High School...others came aboard as their music tastes matured.
